Angels, Demons And The Invisible World

Angels, Demons And The Invisible World

Hey! Happy to see you, I hope you're having a great day. If you've gone through our previous series, you now know that the world we live in is not at all what it seems. So if you don't please go through the previous series, it will blow your mind... This one is all about giving you insights on the reality of spiritual warfare.

If you've been through the previous series & the history of religion, you now know the TRUTH about this world. With what you've discovered, it's time to learn more about spiritual warfare, but know that this is only to help you out in your understanding.

The most important thing is to read your BIBLE, understand that we are not on this planet to serve ourselves but our FATHER IN HEAVEN, and repent from all your sins and ask our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST to please grace you with HIS HOLY SPIRIT to guide you in everything you do.

This world is evil, but our FATHER, IN HIS INFINITE MERCY & LOVE, gave us the tools we need in order to fight this battle. So, please, explore this serie with an open mind, and remember that JESUS SAVES AND HE IS THE TRUTH, THE WAY AND THE LIGHT, the only way to our FATHER is through HIM.

Time is short, if you are reading this, you've been grace with the opportunity to find SALVATION, TRUE PEACE AND LOVE with OUR FATHER, and I pray that one day, we will see each other in HEAVEN, IN JESUS NAME.

GOD Bless you and keep you and your loved ones safe in this battle my friend, I wish you the best. I love you, even if we never met, you are not alone in this fight, never forget that.

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32