What Was Avicii Trying To Expose- And Did He End Up As A Sacrifice For Doing So

What Was Avicii Trying To Expose- And Did He End Up As A Sacrifice For Doing So

Hey! Happy to see you, I hope you're having a great day. My name doesn't really matter, all you have to know is that I am your free, private detective. I spent long hours trying to pass time... until one day, I was blessed with realizing that there was something quite wrong with this world.

I didn't know what it was... until I found the answers. So if you're like I used to be : wondering why the world is this way, welcome my dear, to the mind blowing results of my findings.

WARNING : What we'll be talking about might seem disturbing. It's not my intention to scare or shock you. All I want is help you think differently & discover the secrets hidden in plain sight of the world we live in.

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

If you've gone through our symbols explained & symbolic pics of the month, you know that celebrities are used to promote a rather dark lifestyle to the unsuspected masses, who unfortunately worship the ground that they walk on. With music videos, it works the same, except that they use the word "entertainment" to justify selling you a bunch of dark stuff presented as "cool, cute and harmless".

After all, they are just being very creative music producers who only want to entertain you... well, after reading these analysis, you might see things way... way differently because our discoveries are pretty disturbing...

These articles are not for children.

If you have always been curious about meaning of music videos you didn't quite understand, this post is for you. Please read our definition of cognitive dissonance again, because what we'll be talking about might make you want to reconsider your music tastes..

Before you start reading & think that we are crazy conspiracy theorists, just picture this for a sec:

Imagine you are a student in a music video production class, for your final exam, you are given the task of making the coolest video possible with a set of symbols that are required by your teacher to test your abilities, are you going to just throw anything in it without thinking very carefully about every single shot?

This is exactly what happens in famous music videos, except that the "teachers" are a small group of label owners who want to share the same type of subliminal messages & "values" to you, to us, the viewers.

So, for a famous music video producer, EVERY. SINGLE. SHOT. MATTERS.

So you see how serious it is for them to spread their "occult symbols & ideas" around & indoctrinate you with stuff you have no idea about.

So, now that you know this, let's dive in my dear..